Michelleeeeeee is here to update about the THREE BEE WATER BALLOON THINGY FINGY THINGY! : D ( I know you guys have been waiting for this post
lazy to update kay )
Around 1.00 pm, went to mamak with mom/ brother && had lunch with some
See Yee, Jocelyn, Jia Yin, Hwee Ying, Kok Hong, Galvin, John, Matthew, Wei Siong, Wei De, Eng Yik, Dylan, Lionnel, Geng Kee. Then walked back home with Hwee Ying to catch a ride from mom to Matthew's place Jia Yin tagged along too. Others took taxi/ Dylan's mom drove them there.
Some people *ahhemmm* were busy playing the laptop/ others helped out with the water balloons, took an awful lot of time to prepare the balloons. Then started playing, balloons were gone in like a second or so. Everybody was having so so much fun! I wasn't planning to join in the fun until me && my camera got soaked, then Hwee Ying say ' you wet already play only laaaa' Okay lor, nvm my white t-shirt la. Was kinda fun, we filled the buckets with water && splashed each other.
Pictures- *note pics taken while I was still
The Host- Matthew
Preparing the water balloons
The clear water balloon all the way from USA! :D
( cousin gave a bunch to me )
The happy family
( missing out Sin Yee )
Lol, told you they were a happy family!
Ying kena soaked
Trust me, she enjoyed every second of getting soaked.
So if we have a balloon party next time make sure you soak her 99 !
Jocelyn the CUTIE!
is camera shy, NOT!
Me; dry Ying; soaked
Kok Hong
Jia, Me, Jo
See See Yee SOAKED! :D
Group picture
Last minute found out that my camera has self-timer. All this while I didn't know my camera actually had self-timer *slaps self* omg, I myself agree I'm sucha noobie, wtf.
Thanks Matthew && your mom for being so kind && generous to offer to host the water balloon party at your place! Sorry for making your house a real mess too, hahaa.
Had lots of fun, we should organize something different next time. Aite, that's all for now, will upload the pics from school REEEAAAAAL SOOOONNN! ;D ( wait 7-8 days okay? then I'll upload cause I won't be around *grins* )
CAN I SAY THAT DAY WAS A FUNNTASTICCCC DAYYY? won't be around for approx 6days so yeah will update soon lah, other BEES do your job to keep this blog from being dead ! D:
p/s: You idiots stop spamming this blog lah! Damn lifeless you nenek/ pein/ whatever shit names. ugh sorry.